Course curriculum

  • 01

    Advanced Sourdough

    • Introduction to Advanced Sourdough

    • Manual: Hackney Wild + Porridge Loaf

    • Hackney Wild: Preparing the Leaven

    • Hackney Wild: Mixing the Dough

    • Hackney Wild: Stretch + Fold

    • Hackney Wild: Preshape

    • Hackney Wild: Final Shaping

    • Hackney Wild: Baking

    • Porridge Loaf: Preparing Semolina Porridge

    • Porridge Loaf: Preparing Oat Porridge

    • Porridge Loaf: Mixing

    • Porridge Loaf: Baking

    • Manual: Einkorn Tin Loaf

    • Introduction to Einkorn

    • Making the Leaven for Einkorn Loaf

    • Mixing of Einkorn Dough

    • Tinning of Einkorn Loaf

    • Baking of Einkorn Loaf

    • Outro with Lizzie